Terms of Reference of Nomination Com
The Nomination Committee (NC) shall within the limits of the policy determined and powers delegated by the Board of Directors, be responsible for considering and recommending to the Board candidates for directorships , to fill seats on the Board Committees, conducting annual review of the structure, size and composition of the Board, the performance of the Board, Board Committees, each individual Director as well as the Directors under the annual re-election provisions; assessing the independence of the Independent Non-Executive Directors and presenting its assessment to the Board for final determination; and overseeing the Board’s succession planning.
The Nomination Committee (NC) shall within the limits of the policy determined and powers delegated by the Board of Directors, be responsible for considering and recommending to the Board candidates for directorships , to fill seats on the Board Committees, conducting annual review of the structure, size and composition of the Board, the performance of the Board, Board Committees, each individual Director as well as the Directors under the annual re-election provisions; assessing the independence of the Independent Non-Executive Directors and presenting its assessment to the Board for final determination; and overseeing the Board’s succession planning.
The NC shall be members of, and appointed by, the Board and shall have at least 3 members and be composed entirely of Non-Executive Directors, all of whom, including the Chairman, must be Independent. The members of the Nomination Committee are :
The NC shall be members of, and appointed by, the Board and shall have at least 3 members and be composed entirely of Non-Executive Directors, all of whom, including the Chairman, must be Independent. The members of the Nomination Committee are :
- Haji Abdullah bin Yusof (Chairman) Independent Non-Executive Director
- Dato’ Shaharuddin bin Haron Independent Non-Executive Director
- Dato’ Robert Lim Git Hooi Independent Non-Executive Director
The NC shall meet at least twice a year
additional meeting convened as and when considered necessary. The quorum for the NC shall be two members. The Chairman of the NC shall report to the Board on any salient matters noted by the NC which requires the Board’s notice,
and approval. The minutes of the NC meeting shall be tabled at the Board meeting for Directors’ review and notation.
The Terms of Reference of the Nomination Committee have been reviewed and approved by the
Board on 29 March 2018.